The goal of studying A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is inner peace. The Course teaches that thoughts are based on one of two emotions—love or fear. Love is the emotion given us by God, or Source, and is based on Oneness; and fear is the emotion that comes from the ego or a belief in judgment, conflict, or scarcity. We can choose which voice to listen to. The ego speaks first and speaks the loudest. “The Holy Spirit or the Voice for God is always quiet, because It speaks of peace.” T-5.II.7.7

Suffering and pain occur when we believe that we have been unfairly treated or are a victim of external circumstances. Asking the Holy Spirit for a different way to look at the event or the people involved can help us change our mind and is defined as a miracle. Lesson 34, “I could see peace instead of this,” is a reminder that I can choose again and change my thoughts. The Holy Spirit is always available to help me work through this process.

The path to peace includes forgiveness and letting go of grievances. It is difficult to hear the Voice for God when we carry on an internal dialogue with our ego. We learn that we don’t have to be right and to look at what we are attached to, whether it is people, places, positions, or worldly possessions.

Potential students ask about the difference between Science of Mind and ACIM. The answer is that both teachings will lead you where you need to be as a shining light in this world and that each person is attracted to that which will best serve them. The Science of Mind helps us navigate through an insane world; the Course also teaches that the world is insane and is not the real world. We are trying to find the real world or the Truth—that which never changes, Love. ACIM helps us to find and remove the blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence.

Finally, A Course in Miracles is arranged as a teaching device. It is divided into three books: Text, Workbook, and Manual for Teachers. The Lessons in the Workbook contain a practical application on how to apply the theory found in the Text.