2023 NVC Womens Retreat, Theme: I Belong to Me

Do you give yourself away?  Do you struggle with forgiving yourself or
others?  Do you find it challenging to engage in authentic self-care?  If
so, this day long retreat is for you!!  Rev. Karin and Dr. Michelle are
planning a day of community and practices to support us in truly
returning ourselves to ourselves in the company of other loving woman
who face these same challenges themselves and have great compassion
for the journey.

The Details:

Where: NVC Grace Chapel

When: Saturday March 25, 2023 9am-3pm

Delicious Lunch included

Cost: $100 upon reservation max. capacity 20 beloveds

2 thoughts on “2023 NVC Womens Retreat, Theme: I Belong to Me

  1. Sherri says:

    Looking so forward to learning and growing with the women of NVC!!

  2. Molly Benkiel says:

    I look forward to this every year!!!

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