Ever hear, “Old age ain’t for sissies”? We’re conditioned to resist aging, but what if we let go of our limiting beliefs about aging? In this class, we will shift our perspectives and learn tools to create expanded physical, emotional, and spiritual health, stepping into gratitude for aging well!
This class will create an opening to look at aging from a spiritual perspective. We will allow ourselves to ground into the gift of living a long and rich life and claim our ability to continue to grow, honor our bodies, and to live on purpose with resiliency, serenity, gratitude, and joy.
All About The Class
- Thursdays, 6:00pm-8:00pm
- Dates: 3.28.24-4.18.24, On Zoom
- Instructor: Jolene Baney, RScP
- Cost: $100
- Personal Growth Class
- Prerequisites: none
- Books: (Suggested, not required) Aging as a Spiritual Practice by: Lewis Richmond
Looking forward to releasing limiting beliefs about aging and soaring in this aging adventure!