Awaken Your Senses

A delightful exploration of the goodness that is yours to touch, taste, smell, see, hear & embody!

“Life is only available in the present moment. If you abandon the present moment you cannot live the moments of your daily life deeply.”

~Thich Nhat Hanh

Our minds and experiences have us looking back or jumping ahead more than being in the exact moment that is right here – which is actually all that we really have. But shifting into the reality of this moment, through mindfulness, being here now, getting present and anything else you want to call it, takes practice. The doorway is through our senses! When we move from being primarily in our thinking mind to being in the experience of our body, we open up new opportunities for living fully and expressing the true essence of who we are. This workshop is designed to slow-down our thinking and get into our sensing. It is about creating space to be with the stuff of life – both the stuff that is beautiful and awe-inspiring, as well as the stuff that is challenging and anxiety-producing. You will leave with active and accessible tools to increase your mindful awareness and grow peace and presence from the inside out; feeling more inwardly connected, calm and empowered to live fully in the world.

Rachel Sartori-Thomas has both a Bachelors and Masters in Education. She has also completed both the Leadership Development Training and Advanced Leadership and Facilitation Training through COR to support personal growth and transformation in both one-on-one and group settings. She and her husband Aaron, are members at New Vision Center for Spiritual Living.

This workshop will held at New Vision Center for Spiritual Living. 18010 N. Tatum Blvd. Phoenix Arizona 85032

Date: Saturday, July 27th from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

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