Text-to-Give: (602) 833-0115
Simply text the amount you'd like
to give to this number.
First time givers will be prompted
to provide their payment method
via a secure web page
Text-to-Give: (602) 833-0115
Simply text the amount you'd like
to give to this number.
First time givers will be prompted
to provide their payment method
via a secure web page
New Vision Center exists because people like you choose to fund it, and we are so grateful! Your gift will be used to sustain and expand both new and existing mission-based ministries. NVC’s Leadership Council serve as conscious stewards over the use of all such funds, ensuring they are put to their best and highest use.
Dr. Martin Luther King was once asked, "Dr. King, if you knew you had just one day left to live, what would you do? "I would plant a tree," he replied. MLK knew that within a single seed lies the potential of an entire forest. Leaving a legacy to New Vision Center is like planting a seed that will continue to touch and transform lives for generations to come.
Spiritual and religious organizations are often remembered via bequests in a Will or Trust. This kind of ‘legacy’ gift to an organization that has played a role in one’s spiritual growth and nourishment can help to ensure that the organization’s good work continues well beyond the giver’s lifetime. Your legacy gift to NVC will be honored and memorialized with the utmost gratitude and respect. Legacy funds will be deployed in ways that ensure the teachings of Science of Mind will be available to many for years to come. Kindly consider including New Vision Center in your Legacy Planning. Thank you!
Restricted gifts are typically allocated to one or more specific missions or ministries, such as a building fund, youth church or the music ministry.
Unrestricted gifts provide the greatest flexibility and can be applied to support any of the Center’s ministries, as needed. They are often used to sustain and expand both new and existing mission-based ministries. NVC’s Leadership Council serve as conscious stewards over the use of all such legacy funds, ensuring they are put to their best and highest use.
Ways to Leave a Legacy:
o Outright gift of cash, securities (stocks and bonds), real estate, automobiles or other items of value
o Provisions in your Will or Trust
o Beneficiary designations on your life insurance policy and retirement account
o Charitable Remainder Trust
Remember, gifts of any size, large or small, serve your Spiritual Community in important, enduring ways…blessing you, the Giver, too!
New Vision Center for Spiritual Living is a registered 501(C)3 nonprofit organization. Federal Tax ID#: 86-0622654