In the Basilica of the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Israel, there is a lamp that has been kept burning for over 1,000 years. Details of how this light came to be vary, but it has burned for peace for a millennia. With the intention of spreading the light of peace, Austrian Airlines has teamed with the nation of Austria to light lanterns from the Peace Light and fly them to major cities. People gather and light candles and lanterns of their own, and slowly the light travels across continents and nations.
This year, we are very blessed to have the Peace Light with us at New Vision Center. Rev. Karin and Rev. Lezli met with the Phoenix receiver of the Light and lit a Spirit candle on Tuesday. This flame was the source candle for Wednesday’s Taize service and will serve as the Spirit Candle for our December 24th Candle Light Service. As we light our hand-held candles on Christmas Eve and sing Silent Night, the light that spreads across our sanctuary will be the same light that is in literally millions of homes, churches, synagogues and temples all over the world.
If you would like to bring the light home with you, please bring a glass-enclosed candle or small oil lamp with you to NVC on Sunday morning on December 22 or Tuesday evening on December 24. We will have also have small light sources available for purchase should you need it to carry the light to your home. At the heart of it all, every living being everywhere craves peace and truth. This holiday season, NVC is proud to be a part of this beautiful tradition of Sharing the Light.