New Vision Center is being supported by the co-ministry team of Rev. Karin Einhaus and Rev. Lezli Goodwin. You will find one of them in the Office Sunday through Thursday each week, supporting our Community Administrator and our congregation. In addition to serving on the Leadership Council, speaking on Sundays, leading one Wednesday night service per month and holding the community in high consciousness, each Minister has specific areas of oversight.

Rev. Karin Einhaus - Senior Minister
- Development and Care of entire Community
- Membership
- Annual Theme Development
- Annual Stewardship Campaign
- Finance Team
- Service Ministries
- Congregant Care
- Music Ministry

Rev. Lezli Goodwin - Associate Minister
- Adult Spiritual Education
- CSL Classes
- Practitioner Training
- NVC Circles
- Practitioner Core
- Facilitating the Covenant process and Healing Services
- Marketing

Rev. Lori Frisbie - Director of Youth & Family Ministries