New Vision Family Faith Initiative


New Vision Center for Spiritual Living is dedicated to building healthy, loving, spiritual families in our community through supporting the development of family faith.  As spiritual leaders and educators, we recognize that the family is the first community of faith and the most powerful influence in the faith of children and teenagers.  We also recognize that parents are the first educators of their children, providing the foundation for a spiritual life. 

We affirm that a deep spiritual foundation helps every member of the family more fully align with the spiritual principles of love, wholeness, peace, joy and harmony.  We are committed to supporting both parents and children in developing a deeper spirituality in their homes through the following commitments:

  • New Vision Center for Spiritual Living is committed to providing quality spiritual education that aligns with the adult teaching in both Principle and topic. Each week, the children in Youth Ministry will be learning an age appropriate version of the lesson being given to the adults in the Sanctuary.  Our goal is that every member of the family will be working on the same concepts each week.
  • New Vision Center for Spiritual Living is committed to providing parents with simple, clear ideas for incorporating the weekly spiritual lesson into daily family life through our weekly take-home Family Faith sheets. Our goal is to make family faith easy to implement and to bring spiritual discussion into daily practice in every home.

  • New Vision Center for Spiritual Living is committed to teaching spiritual practices to every member of our community, regardless of age. We are further committed to sharing with parents how we teach these practices through our weekly take-home Family Faith sheets.  Our goal is to encourage and support families in sharing the spiritual practices of Spiritual Mind Treatment, affirmation and meditation.

  • New Vision Center for Spiritual Living is committed to supporting the spiritual development of families in every way possible. We are committed to listening to families and to being open to their suggestions and requests for education, training, social activities, support, prayer and love.  Our goal is to support every member of our community in fully experiencing the love of Spirit and the highest expression of this teaching in their family life.

Amended from “Best Practices in Family Faith Formation”, John Roberto, Lifelong Faith Associates