Politics, Prayers, and Peace

Politics, Prayers and Peace

A Spiritual Gathering for Conversation and Practice.

Join with Rev. Karen Russo, members of the NVC community, and new friends and neighbors to create a spiritually AND civically minded space!

With spiritual practice and small group conversation, and more, we will:

  • Respectfully share thoughts and emotions about political and world events
  • Listen and be heard with empathy whether we politically agree or not
  • Directly apply spiritual principles about who we’re being and what we’re doing as citizens

All are welcome.

p.s. – We will specifically refrain from any kind of specific advocacy on causes, candidates, or issues. Our intention is to BE the presence of Peace around all these topics.

Saturdays: July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2

9:00 – 10:30 am

In person – Tatum Campus – Chapel

Cost: Love Offering

To register for the July 6th gathering, please enter your information in the form below: