As you work your way through the CSL classes, you may feel drawn toward becoming a licensed Practitioner. Practitioners are individuals of high spiritual consciousness deep understanding, and trained in the art, science and skill of Affirmative Prayers. Practitioners are dedicated to the cause of helping others and knowing the spiritual Truth of each individual.
To qualify for Practitioner Studies, students must have successfully completed the following CSL Accredited classes within the last five years:
Foundational Class (1 from this category)
Foundations of Science of Mind
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Spiritual Principles and Practices
Ernest Holmes Philosophy (1 from this category)
The Essential Ernest Holmes
Philosophy (1 from this category)
The Roots of Science of Mind
From Whence We Came
Consciousness Classes (2 from this category)
Building a Healing Consciousness
Consciousness and the Creative Process
Meditation is more than You Think
Mental Equivalents
Power of Your Word
Revealing Wholeness
The Art and Science of Spiritual Mind Treatment
Edinburgh Lectures
Treatment and Meditation: Spiritual Practices for Daily Living
Visioning: A Way of Life
Elective Classes (1 from this category)
Any consciousness class
5 Gifts for an Abundant Life
Bible Wisdom
Journey of the Soul
Power of Decision
Principles of Successful Living
Prosperity Plus I, II or III
Spiritual Economics
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
This Thing Called You
Treat Yourself to Life
To find out more about about becoming a practitioner or the prerequisites posted above, please reach out to Rev. Lezli Goodwin at 602-787-8889 or email her at revlezli@newvisioncsl.org