Our New Vision Center community is abundantly blessed and overflowing with talent. To celebrate this, we are launching a brand new quarterly newsletter feature called “Share Your Good.”
This is a place for partners (members) of New Vision Center to share their projects, events, hobbies and opportunities with the greater NVC community. If you have something you’d like to share, from classes and retreats to book releases and coaching offers and everything in between, simply send marketing language and an image to Jeff@newvisionaz.org with the subject line “Share Your Good.”
We will publish them in one big article in the first week of each quarter (January, April, July and October). You can feel free to share any project that is happening anywhere — at NVC or beyond.
Our only requirements are that your shared offerings be in alignment with the teachings of Science of Mind (i.e. positive, life affirming and accepting of all beings) and that they not directly duplicate something already offered by NVC.
We’re excited to see that profusion of good emanating from this community! Thank you, in advance, for sharing your good!