Taizé in the Park

A free gathering for people of all faiths and spiritual traditions

Our community loves to gather outside and on Wednesday, April 5th we will do that at our wonderful Taize in the Park. We gather around 5:30pm for connection and light snacks. The musical program and meditation begin at 6:30pm. We ask that you please sign up (see form below) so we have plenty of chairs for everyone. There is no cost to attend.

The event is inspired by a Taizé service: A Taizé service involves spoken and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, and inspirational readings. There is no preaching. The style of prayer practiced at Taizé has attracted many worshipers from around the globe and from many different denominations.

Coming to Taizé is to be invited to commune with others in an awareness of the one love/ Spirit/God. Knowing all humanity is connected in this love and that the spark of that Divine energy lives within every being. We are recognizing and honoring this shared nature through community song, meditation/prayer, silence and personal reflection. 

Come enjoy the beautiful setting, music and meditation experience. Reverend Karin Einhaus of the New Vision Center for Spiritual Living will be officiating.

We look forward to a unique community experience!

The Details

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM MST (AZ)


Vista Del Camino Park : Ramada #2
7700 E. Roosevelt Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85257