Conducted by Rev. Lezli and Rev. Karin
Join our own Rev. Karin Lewis and Rev. Lezli Goodwin on Zoom as they interview NYT best-selling author Neale Donald Walsch about his newest book, “The God Solution.” His 39th book, “The God Solution” invites humanity to embrace a new global ethic based on a refined and clarified definition of God.. The book proposes that there is a single statement of spiritual truth which would birth a shift of spiritual paradigms around the globe of such magnitude that it would produce peace and happiness on our planet at last.
This is a part of our Wednesday Night Workshops. It is free to everyone and everyone is welcome.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 from 6:30 – 7:30PM PST.
NVC’s Main Zoom Room: PW: 888888