The Mystery of Transition

By Karen Van Allen

Being in the midst of a transition is like reading a mystery novel that is a page turner. I need to know how the protagonist will persevere. It takes discipline not to read the end of the book. I’ve discovered that when I skip to the last chapter, I miss the journey that the character needs to take to arrive at the destination. What did he/she learn along the way?

In my enigmatic book, the character is in the stage of shock and disbelief while clawing her way through a pandemic. She desperately wants to hang on to the remnants of her previous life. Where are the ordinary, everyday things that brought her comfort? Her internal dialogue is in constant conflict—should she wait for things to return to normal or let go of what is already gone.       

I can relate to her journey. The feelings that she is experiencing are familiar, even if the form is different. It was the end of a lifestyle; a change that I resisted; grief that consumed me before I finally allowed life to unfold on a new path. 

 How did I survive and eventually thrive when my life was previously thrown into turmoil? It wasn’t easy, but it is simple—surrender, stay in the present moment, and embrace change. I surrender because planning for an uncertain future is useless. There is a Source that knows even when I don’t.

Staying in the present moment allows me to hear guidance. Thinking about the past or worrying about the future keeps my mind busy with a fearful inner dialogue, while Spirit whispers to me in the silence.

Finally, be grateful for what shows up and embrace it with an open heart. I know and affirm that it is for my highest and best good. I am open to receiving more love and joy into my life. If I am unwilling to change, I limit the Universe to what is already mine.

Lesson 135 of A Course in Miracles says, “When we plan for ourselves, we are not allowing for change. We base our future goals on our past learning. If we want a different future, we must stay in the here and now. We must have present confidence, not anticipation.”

Join me as we walk confidently in a new direction.

A Course in Miracles study group meets by Zoom on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. New and continuing students welcome. Contact me for log in information if you are interested.

2 thoughts on “The Mystery of Transition

  1. Tina Vlassie says:

    Oh Karen,

    What a beautiful way of describing all the mixed emotions during this weird and squishy time. It can only be that newness will emerge and yes we can be fully present right at this moment as this newness evolves.

    Thank you for your gentle words.

  2. Sandra Simmons says:

    Thank you for the story of our journey through trying times. Surrender is the key. Trust and faith are the magic that makes it work. I’m definitely working with these issues too!

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