There Shall No Sign Be Given

Feathers have been a part of my life for many years, and I believe they are a sign that I am on the right path, Angels are watching over me, and everything is in divine order. I will ask for one when I want confirmation that I am heading in the right direction or making the correct decision. It’s as easy as thinking, “I could use a feather right now.” 

While walking through Bolin Memorial Park in downtown Phoenix on a Saturday morning, I found a beautiful, large, white feather. A few minutes after finding the feather, I came across a description of the American Dream written by James Truslow Adams. It was exactly what I needed to expand a concept that is part of a book that I am writing. I did not set out to find the Memorial Park and had no idea what was there. My granddaughter wanted to photograph historic buildings, and we were driving around downtown Phoenix, saw the Park, and decided to check it out.

Finding feathers is fun, but that is not where I want to put my faith. They are not my Source and definitely don’t stop me from spending time in prayer and meditation. Joel Goldsmith, in The Thunder of Silence, writes that “ ‘There shall no sign be given’:  The signs follow them that believe. When the faith comes, the signs follow. If we are given any sign, any thing, or any thought to which we can cling, then that thing of that thought is that upon which our faith rests instead of upon the Invisible which is God.”

I am reminded of the question about the chicken or the egg. Which came first: faith or feathers?

Karen Van Allen facilitates A Course in Miracles study group, which meets in the Education Bldg. on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. New and continuing students welcome.

2 thoughts on “There Shall No Sign Be Given

  1. Rev. Karin says:

    How delightful to read this dear Karen! Thank you for sharing your talent with us and I can’t wait for the book!!!

  2. Stephanie Black says:

    Thanks Karen!

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