Trevor’s Vision


Shower Them With Love

This non-profit providing showers to our homeless neighbors is called Trevor’s Vision

Trevor's Vision is founded by Jeff and Dawn, who actually did what the boy Trevor asked in the movie Pay it Forward. Trevor asked that everyone do three acts of kindness. Jeff and Dawn’s three acts of kindness are: feeding people on Thursday’s, doing laundry and hair cuts regularly, and now they are bringing portable showers all over Phoenix. They have the only portable showers in Phoenix that we know of.

Trevor’s Vision and NVC partner together to Shower them with love. We had an excellent start to our new community outreach project to provide showers, water, clothes, food, love and positive energy to our neighbors in need. The pictures below are from July 17, 2019, at New Vision Center. Trevor's showers will be back at New Vision Center in August, and monthly thereafter.

