2024 Text Subscription Program

How amazing is our daily Ernest Holmes text program?! Every single day, a text comes straight to your phone with a brief quote from Ernest Holmes, and a question for contemplation. In order to make this program financially sustainable, we are moving to a subcsription model for 2024 and beyond. For the very low one-time fee of $6.99, you will get an entire year of daily texts. Give yourself the gift of spiritual inspiration and support your Daily Substantial Spiritual Practice.

3 thoughts on “2024 Text Subscription Program

  1. Ginny Zelov says:

    Looking forward to the emails

  2. Thomas Rose says:

    Looking forward to a great way to stay on purpose.

  3. Susan C says:

    Thank you SO MUCH to all those that contribute our Founder Ernest Holmes’ inspirational quotes DAILY and the questions to explore our hearts, minds and souls. So grateful to our awesome ministers and practitioners.

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