A Garden of Peace and Welcome

By Karen Van Allen

     I expect to harvest peace and joy when I plant Seeds of Love. This is not always what shows up in my life. For example, I am ready to let go of my current living space and move somewhere that reflects who I am now. The scarcity of affordable homes or the high cost of renting an apartment can spiral right into a fear thought. My patience is wearing thin while I wait for the economy to change or the government to curb inflation. None of these thoughts or emotions are helpful in getting what I want.

     We are taught in Science of Mind to change our thinking and change our life. How can I find a loving thought when my mind is in turmoil based on lack? A Course in Miracles says, “ … in your state of mind, solution is impossible. Therefore, God must have given you a way of reaching to another state of mind in which the answer is already there. Such is the holy instant.” (T-27.IV.2) A holy instant is that moment when we choose to live in the present moment and let go of the past and the future. It is that interval in which the mind is still enough to hear an answer. “How long is an instant? As long as it takes to re-establish perfect sanity, perfect peace and perfect love for everyone, for God and for yourself.” (T-15.I.14.1-2). “The holy instant is your invitation to love to enter into your bleak and joyless kingdom, and to transform it into a garden of peace and welcome.” (T-18.VIII)

     Now I have another tool to use when I recognize a fear thought. I can get quiet and listen. I affirm that Spirit has an answer to any situation that I am facing. My work is to be peaceful and focus on loving what is present in my life right now. If there is something I need to do, I will be guided to take the next step and the one after that. I’m committed to having holy instants this week and would love to have you join me in this practice.

Karen Van Allen facilitates A Course in Miracles study group, which meets on Zoom (not the NVC Zoom room) every Monday night from 6:30-8:00 pm. New and continuing students welcome. Message me for link and password.

2 thoughts on “A Garden of Peace and Welcome

  1. Gail Gould says:

    Great article Karen, thank you for writing it !

  2. Sandra Simmons says:

    An important message for all of us in the current environment. Thanks for the inspiration!

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