Leadership Council Interest

Thank you for your interest in serving on the Leadership Council (LC). The following information contains details in regard to becoming a member of the LC including qualifications, time commitment, the nomination and election process and specific commitment dates for the year 2024.


January 15, 2024: Application due date

January 2024: Interviews

February 11, 2024: Annual Meeting. Nominees presented to Partnership

February 23-24, 2024: Vision Group Retreat, LC Positions Selected

February 25, 2024: New Leadership Council members presented to Congregation

Qualifications: (from Section 4 of NVC’S Bylaws: Number and Qualification of Leadership Council Members presented to Congregation of Leadership Council Members)

-Applicant must be loyal, tithing and an active member of this Center.

-Applicant must not be related to, nor have live-in relationships with, a person serving a contemporaneous term on the LC.

-Applicant must not be related to, nor have a live-in relationship with a person who is an employee of this Center.

-The person must have completed 2 accredited classes, at least one which is equivalent to a foundational course. A person who has taken a foundational class may qualify if they are currently enrolled in a second accredited class or have committed to enroll in the next available accredited class.

-Applicant attends this center regularly (meaning at least 75% of the time) and actively interacts with the congregation.

-Applicant supports and participates in the committed giving plan of the center, which is presently included in our Stewardship Program.

-Applicant commits to working by consensus to reach decisions.

Other Qualifications/ Skills Desired

-Has a current understanding of technology i.e. use of internet, sharing files (Dropbox), utilizing email with attachments and email groups (we use google groups).

-Understands NVC’s Respectful Communication Policy.

Time Commitment

-Attend the one designated LC meeting a month. Currently, this falls on the third Monday of the month and and typically lasts from 5:30-7:30pm. This takes place on Zoom.

-Participate in the other meetings as the need arises all on Zoom for now.

-Take part in Vision Group which meets twice a month on the second and fourth Mondays of the Month, from 6:30 to around 8:30pm.

-One retreat a year. For 2024, this falls on Feb 23-24. We also ask participants to help offset the cost which will be approximately $100 each.

-Attend the annual meeting in February.

-Other commitments include committing in participating social activities, workshops and events.

One thought on “Leadership Council Interest

  1. Thomas Rose says:

    :How often would I need to come to Phoenix. I would want to come to the VG Retreat, and probably a couple of other times during the year.

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