Vernice Reyes – “There Was Something More For Me…”

verniceMany of us have seen this feisty brunette in a focused and determined gait around NVC, moving and shaking and getting things done. We slowed her down a bit to speak with us.

Vernice was born on June 9th in New York. She moved to Arizona on May 2, 1999, after living in Fort Myers, Florida for 3 years.

Vernice was inspired to become a Practitioner because of the way she felt when the Practitioners did the opening prayer. There was something so beautiful and peaceful about the words that were spoken. It made her feel a sense of connection to the Divine, a shift in her perspective from her everyday life to a life lived more fully, joyous and spiritual. She felt like there was something more for her.

Vernice loves every aspect to being a Practitioner. Whether it is in the prayer zone, doing a one-on-one session, taking classes or assisting in classes, for Vernice, it is that moment when another sees for his or her self the Truth that they are a Divine Being of Light and Love – that moment when they truly realize that they are the Divine expressing, that Spirit created each one of us so that Spirit could express and experience Life through each one of us.

Vernice expects and embraces accountability from others, but mostly from herself. She shared, “True accountability is what speaks to my heart about the SOM philosophy. Taking a good look at myself on a daily basis and taking accountability for my thoughts, words, actions, reactions, opinions, beliefs and circumstances, and truly recognizing the role I play in my life as this human form called Vernice. Releasing judgment, fear, resentments, anger, blame and especially control, and seeing how I have created the things in my life whether good or not so good and not looking outside myself to blame but to truly see where is the gift in any and all situations is liberating. It took a while to get there and it is a constant practice but one I enjoy doing because once you have experienced that place of knowing that you are spirit expressing life in this human form, all you wanted is more of that good feeling. It sounds crazy but when you start to take accountability for your life you become free!!!!! And Freedom feels so Good.”

Vernice, an admitted “workaholic,” says that when she is not serving our NVC community, she loves to travel. She also calls herself a “foodie,” and loves trying new local restaurants, Her creative side is expressed through paint parties (canvas painting), “I love getting together with others and working out life situations through the doorway of Spirituality. I love taking classes at NVC. I love continuous learning and especially all the knowledge I gain from my fellow congregants. We have a very Intelligent community here at NVC, and l just get to learn from fellow classmates. Taking classes is another way I stay anchored in the Principles of SOM,” said Vernice.

You may not know that Vernice’s Light shines most brightly during family time. “There is just something about having a bunch of Puerto Ricans together, talking loud, having fun, with salsa music in the background that has a calming effect on me. I love the chaos of the whole family trying to put a meal together,” Vernice smiled.

Vernice has been a video producer for 21 years and is also a licensed real estate agent in Arizona. She truly loves her work.