Town Hall Recap

We are in the middle of the Annual Survey, which is your opportunity to give us your input as we plan for our 2022 theme and also the classes, workshops and events that are of interest. Your feedback forms the foundation of how this center grows and prospers! Here’s the link for you to complete the survey. You will find the link in a separatearticle in this newsletter.

• Our new President, Marty Stephens, welcomed everyone and set the tone for the exciting year ahead. She introduced our new Leadership Council members and their roles.

• Jeff Miller provided a financial overview; in summary we had a GREAT first trimester! FYI, we are reintroducing the Test-to-Give program to make it even more convenient to submit your donations from your mobile device.

• Ron Owen spoke for the Re-Vision Group with an update on what is happening on the Tatum Campus:

o We are in the process of installing pavers to create a new patio north of the breezeway (former home of the children’s playground). Plans are underway to have a gathering in June to officially break in this new outdoor venue space!

o The facilities fund reserved for renovations will be exhausted when we finish the patio project and reflooring of the sanctuary and other selected areas, which is scheduled to be completed soon.

o There is much left to do to bring our facilities and our technical capabilities up to snuff so that we can deliver on our mission.

o The Re-Vision Group, with the approval of the Leadership Council, hired a consulting architect to help us determine what we need to do to complete our vision.  Ron looks forward to giving an update on their report at our Town Hall meeting in the Fall.

o Capital Campaign Update:  Jeff Miller and Rene Perdue. 

▪ So are you wondering how NVC is paying for the architect if the facilities fund is exhausted? An even bigger question is how can we move forward and fund the recommendations from this architectural study?

▪ Jeff and Renee are happy to announce that we have a good start to this with a total of $30,000 donated by nine people to kick start this project. These “Kick Starter” donations provide NVC with most of the funds needed to finish additional patio improvements, fund the architects and pay our capital campaign consultant through the end of 2021.  We are so grateful for these generous donors! If you are interested in donating to the “Kickstarter Campaign”, please contact Jeff Hargis at 

o Renee Purdue spoke about her new role on the Leadership Council focused on developing a possible Capital Campaign for New Vision Center. Being good stewards of our finances, we have asked an expert to help us determine how to support future improvements on our campus.

▪ Judi Smith was introduced, who has been hired to guide us in the initial recommendations for a future Capital Campaign. Judi later came on the platform to provide an overview of her potentialrole and the exciting opportunities that can unfold in the next several years.

o Rev. Lezli Goodwin and Rev. Karin Lewis both presented their focus and Vision Casting for our center.

▪ Rev. Lezli is excited to announce that our Youth Program is gearing up to potentially start meeting again in person in July.  We are actively searching for teachers and assistants to serve one time per month on Sunday mornings with our kids. We need to have a staff of 5 – 8 teachers in order to support our youth on Sunday mornings again.  Please contact Rev. Lezli if this is calling to you at

• We especially want to celebrate Beth Weller, Ellen Raymond, Rachel Sartori-Thomas, Ken Casey and Anddy Arnold for their tireless and loving support of our youththrough pandemic times.

▪ Rev. Lezli explained how we are stressing the importance of recognizing the number of lives touched in our very innovative tracking program.  Our production team is continually exploring ways to more smoothly have a state of the art hybrid experience for classes, events and Sunday Service.

• We celebrate our Production Team for their service and can-do attitude, especially creating our very first hybrid Town Hall meeting: Rhonda Kersey, Diane Riebesehl, Jeff Hargis, Mister Smith and everyone who has run the cameras and helped host our very active On-Line Campus!

▪ Rev. Karin talked about Sacred Service Ministryand all that this team is doing to support New Vision on Sunday mornings and beyond. If you are ready to step into Sacred Service, pleasereach out to Maureen Geraghty at

▪ Rev. Karin also acknowledged how we prioritize taking care of each other. Our Congregant Care Team, headed by practitioner Janet Gotshall has been a vital connection for those in our community in times of spiritual, physical or emotional need.  Reach out to Janet if you need support at or visit our website at