Meet Beverley – our newest Practitioner!

Beverley Strutt was born on May 19th in Johannesburg, South Africa.  She came to Arizona in 2012.

The very first time that Beverley set foot inside a Science of Mind church, the calling to be a Practitioner made itself very clear even though she had no idea what Practitioners did or what it would take to become one. That was 20 years ago and today she feels privileged to call herself a Practitioner.

“My heart overflows with Joy and Gratitude,” said Beverley.

Beverley’s favorite part of being a Practitioner is conducting a Practitioner session. Beverley declared that she loves sitting with people, and she sees herself as a sifter. “We ‘sift’ through concerns together until the Truth reveals itself so brilliantly that it cannot be denied.”
When asked what speaks to her about the SOM philosophy, Beverley said that, for her, it is knowing that we are here for the pure joy of Spirit and we get to play in Spirit’s playground. She knows that Spirit is conspiring to fill our every intention and bring about all we desire –  Magnificently!
Most of us who have attended any NVC functions already know that Beverley loves to cook.  But did you know that she is an avid Nascar fan?  So you can imagine what tailgating with her at P.I.R. must be like. “Yum-Zoom-Yum,” were her words.
We also learned that Beverley was a professional dancer for 22 years, and from time to time would be asked to assist magicians. “I have been run through with swords, set on fire and turned into a variety of animals. Fortunately I have never been sawed in half… can you imagine having two of me running around.. oh my!” Beverley smiled.

Beverley is devoted to her work as a massage therapist and Holistic Health Practitioner, which  focuses on the Body-Mind Connection. She facilitates an environment where a balance between the physical body and the emotional mind can occur.

We encourage you to reach out to Beverley to congratulate her on her recent appointment as a Practitioner.  You will be filled with her warmth and energy as soon as she says, “Hello my beauty!”