Social Uplift at NVC

I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about our brand new program, the Social Uplift Ministry. Starting May 1, we’ll be spending our first Wednesday Evening service time in meaningful, relevant conversation around the issues that are impacting our community today.  I can’t tell you how many people have asked me for a way to view the news through a Science of Mind lens. After all, our faith doesn’t really work for us if it isn’t able to help us handle all we see in the world. The curriculum provided by the Association for Global New Thought will help us keep a spiritual focus that transcends any polarizing political agenda, and guiding us as we decide next steps as a community.  Social Uplift Ministry offers a balanced view of real cultural and community issues, encourages respectful dialog, models restorative justice and builds capacity for social change based solidly in our Science of Mind principles. I’m so looking forward to exploring our beliefs, what’s going on in the world and how we can truly work together to create a world that works for everyone.

Our first three sessions (May 1, June 5 and July 3) will focus on the topic “Gun Responsibility and Healing Violence.”  Future topics will explore race, gender, immigration and many other issues that are relevant right now. Our founder, Ernest Holmes, told us that our job is to look right at the condition or problem, and then to see through it to the spiritual truth that is always present. If you feel called to take our spiritual principles and tools out into the world to create real change, please join us from 6:30-8:30 pm in Grace Chapel on Wednesday, May 1.  

One thought on “Social Uplift at NVC

  1. Judy Walruff says:

    In joyful be anticipation. Thanks for moving this forward.

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